Thursday, December 08, 2005

Some prayer requests!

Pray for:

- Tim Cearley, Diane Shreder, and Mme Motsamai as they are in Palapye looking for housing for Kelly and I.

- The Batswana Baptists as they think about also moving another Journeyman, Crystal, to work in Palapye with us.

- Our language learning. We are going to spend our first few weeks in Gaborone, Botswana studying Setswana which will be more necessary to live in Palapye. Also, we will need to be brushing up on Spanish, as the Brazilian missionaries speak Portuguese and Spanish! (Some people speak English, but not communication is a definite prayer request...)

- Ask God for clear understanding with all people involved in our move: local pastors who live 30 mins to an hour away. The older Brazilian leader, Otilia, as she coordinates the church work. Fabiano and Patricia, as they work in discipleship with the youth (leaving in March for Seminary training.) Elcear and his family as they come from Colombia/Brazil to live in Palapye in January and pastor the church.


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