Thursday, December 08, 2005

Regional Week and more...

This past week was our regional week--the week where just the CESA (Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa) people get to hang out and be cool together while learning more about our region. One way we did this was to help cook an African meal with our Richmond Associates, Bob and Linda Allen. These are some pictures of us making food from scratch.

In this picture I am burning Spencer with grease...that is why he is making this weird face. Spencer is going to Uganda to do student ministry.

The meal turned out to be really delicious. We had several foods of which I don't remember the names and we got to eat with our hands (even messy things like rice, beans, and meat!) If African food is anything like Linda's cooking, I'm going to enjoy African food a lot. However, I'm thinking Kelly and I are going to need to hire someone to make us food, as neither of us can cook.

In other news, my computer has been messing up some and I talked to Dell and they came out and did this! I had never seen a laptop completely torn apart. They put in a new motherboard and the speakers still won't work right! (They are coming again to put in new speakers soon...hopefully that will work!)


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