A Lot to Be Thankful for...
Continue to pray as Kelly and I wait anxiously to hear about where we will be placed in Botswana!!!
Happy Thanksgiving a little late! On Thursday I was lucky enough to be able to get off the MLC campus for the day and spend Thanksgiving afternoon with the fam. The ridiculous amount of homecooked food was a wonderful change from cafeteria food. Fellow Journeymen "C", "E", and Kelly joined the Weaver/Skinner clan for the festivities. The other girls were very amused at how our dog Patches posed for every picture!
After our whirlwind trip to Springfield, we returned home only to return to DC the next for our "DC Trip". In DC we had several tasks like riding the metro, eating food from our area of the world, praywalking, etc. We were grouped witin our region, so Kelly and I paired up with the Carl and Kay Garvin, a Career couple going to do student ministry in Tanzania. We spent the majority of our morning traveling and walking around the Adams-Morgan area of DC (an international hub) looking for an open African restaurant. However, we ended up eating a tiny restaurant off of 7th street called Sumah's. We all ate chicken with varying sauces: jute leaf, peanut butter, cassava leaves, jolif rice. The food was really good and we had an opportunity to talk with several customers, workers, and the owner about our upcoming moves to Africa. Plus the owner told me if I bring him back a diamond or a lion cub from Botswana I can get free food from Sumah's for the rest of my life! Even though I go to DC regularly, this trip was a really neat time to focus specifically on my people group the Tswana and praying for them.
Saturday we had our infamous chicken killing class. Fellow missionary to Africa, Drew Blessing, taught us two ways to kill chickens and skin them. Hopefully, I won't have to do this in Botswana...but I figured it might be a good thing to know! Don't worry, I refrained from putting any of the really gory pictures up, so don't be afraid to scroll down...
This is Harrison Blessing--the cutest kid at the MLC. He enjoyed watching his daddy kill chickens!
This is my other apartment-mate Kristen and Kelly and I wearing our matching "Modest is Hottest" t-shirts! We saw a girl wearing a shirt with this slogan and just had to have some made for ourselves. Kristen is going to be an overseas correspondent writing for the IMB, so maybe you'll come across some of her articles in the Commission magazine over the next few years!
Look forward to a new post soon about an African feast and computer mania!!!
It's so great to read your blogs. I loved the T-shirts and wish that I could have been there to see you running from the skunk. Have a great few weeks left at MLC and I'll call you when I'm back in the states.
dude i hope you informed your friends that your dog is allergic to grass. i still tell people that because i think it's funny. (insert me laughing quietly to myself at my desk). yeah, good times.
im surprised you didn't try to kill the chicken with a flip-flop.
oh and i forgot something funny. so i was having a spaz-tastic day yesterday and amanda goes "WHAT are you doing??" and i go...
...wait for it...
"TRYing to FUNction like a NORMAL HUMAN BEING!"
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