Saturday, November 05, 2005

This week in training...

Here's some pictures of my new home for the next few weeks! Yeah MLC!

Isn't this sunset beautiful? Kelly took this the other day. MLC is gorgeous right now with all the leaves changing. Today we had ESL certification training and it was so nice outside the instructor let us out early to enjoy fall!

So the first week of training is over! We've scavenger hunted, made learning goals and personally assessed ourselves, prepared personalization reports, researched our countries, opened missionary bank accounts, met with our regional reps, had fitness testing, went on a personal retreat, attended sessions on grief, excercised every morning at 6 a.m., and completed other missionary-type activities. We've enjoyed late nights of talking, early mornings of walking, excursions off campus, and general all around silliness. Next week I think we are starting a hip-hop dance club. (Maybe a little Diverse City tribute...)

I also found out this week that I'm going to have to learn how to drive stick shift...on the left! And we're going to learn how to kill chickens! Training is quite an adventure! Like today, when we went on a walk and Kelly picked up this snake (by her foot) and killed it with her bare hands similar to in "The Gods Must Be Crazy" (filmed in if you want to watch a hilarious movie about my soon to be new home, check that out!)


At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

leave the ghetto-ness to the professionals, por favor.


yeah, i think i will comment on this thing every time i read it.

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude- Em- the gansta pose is classic- I'm glad another whitie like myself attempts to pull it off. We'll never be urban, but we'll die trying!


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