Friday, October 28, 2005

Always a Procrastinator

On Sunday I leave for training at the MLC! Despite how much I procrastinate about doing paperwork, sending out prayer cards, writing proposals, etc. and despite how much I like sleeping in on a daily basis, I am looking forward to training and being a "student" again. You all can write to me during training--I really like to get letters and packages!

The address is:
Emily Weaver
Missionary Learning Center
16492 MLC Lane
Rockville, VA 23146


At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

your shameless ploy to get letters and packages annoys me. im not sending you anything..except the knowledge than any future roomies you have in botswana will never be as cool as me.

you better get an 800 number so i can call you in botswana for free and not use all my daytime minutes.

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Casey said...

Hey! I didn't know the address. Now I can give it out to people too! See you Monday.

At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

EMILY you're nuts for going over to botswana... risking malaria and emu stampedes and extremely conservative hemlines but we loves you and hope that your shaman can cast a emu/malaria shield over you and the yards and yards of fabric draped over your body.

but for real: God bless you for venturing over to the other half of the world to help people you have never met fight the epidemic of hiv/aids. i'm praying for you as is jen. except she's praying in catholic. so i guess either way we've got you covered. (right jen?)



At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Emily!

We're so glad you're keeping us in the loop - you can expect mail & packages from the youth group starting in about a week. I've sent your webpage info to the youth so that they can stay updated - we love you and are praying for you tons!!! Love the photos - good luck with that squatty potty! Oh, and Darren has a friend who got malaria while they were in Africa last summer, and he said it's not really that bad - hehehe ;o)

At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you have made it and I hope everything goes well, Your friend, Dion

At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

andy's right, regarding my catholic prayers.

but dude...that pic of the "squatty potty" was NSFW (not safe for work). you need to put a disclaimer before pics like that from now on.

haha glad you're havin fun : )

At 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are praying for you lady. I know God has great things in store for you.
Hope that "squatty potty" thing works out...


At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful with the squatty potty- you don't want to say loose you shoe in it late at night while you are half asleep and trying to go the potty -TRUST ME! Be there done that and got to dig it out since it was my only pair of shoes!! at least you get to pratice. I hope you have a great time at MLC and in Africa. Seems like just yesterday the Acteens group was going down there to see it for a Studi Act thing:)


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