Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Thanks so much for all your prayers! I received official word today that Kelly and I are going to be placed in a "village" called Palapye, Botswana located about 3 hours north of the capital Gaborone. Village is in quotes because it is really like a small town in America--about 22,000 people. Botswana's only power plant is located just 5km outside of the village and there is also a coal mine nearby. Most of the people that live in the village work at the coal mine or the power plant. There is a new church plant there that was started by Brazilian missionaries and we will be working with them in addition to doing True Love Waits in the schools. That's all I know for now. There's not much on the internet about the village, but I did stumble across this picture that may give you a better idea of what the village looks like. Missionary Tim Cearley will be visiting Palapye in the next few weeks to find Kelly and I housing and to give us a better picture of what the village is like and the ministry already taking place there. You can begin praying for this trip and continue praying for Kelly and I as we anxiously await any bit of info! Thanks!


At 4:11 PM, Blogger Casey said...


At 1:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey emily! just wanted to tell you i was thinking about you as i finished an english We had to make a "time in a bottle" scrapbook and we had to include an essay about a person from history whom we would like to meet. i remembered what you said about the lottie moon offering and i chose to write about her. i mentioned you and another family friend who was a journeymen missionary to china. she still serves in china today but is here on vacation, or whatever you call it...
just thought i'd share that with you, in case you'd like to know...

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there my ninja turtle lady! Just wanted to say hey and thanks for being such a pal here lately! Later tater - S. Dobbs

At 1:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Collectables GREAT BLOG! I will be back!


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