Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Training has officially begun!

Today was a day of firsts. It is the 1st of Novemeber and the first official (half)day of training. This afternoon we had our first sessions and got bombarded with all kinds of confusing information about banking and we met with our small groups for the first time. It has been cool to get to talk with people that are going all over the world and meet not only other Journeymen but also Masters (the 2 year program for retired folks) and other career missionaries all training at the same time.

This is one of my dear apartment-mates Kelly Woody. (Yes I do have a room of my own!) She is also going to Botswana to serve on the HIV teams. We are still uncertain where they are going to place us, but we heard from the field that they're talking more about putting us in the village. We will just have to trust and wait to find out more.

I would like to say that today was my first piece or mail...but alas, I fear that will be my new "missionary shoes" I had to order. (A pair of Chacos...all the cool missionaries are doing it...)

But in the meantime we also had another crazy first...the first time to check out the "squatty potty"!

So we're still working up to actually using it...but sometime during training...


At 5:55 PM, Blogger Gypsy Hart said...

yeah Chacos! that's what I wore every saturday this summer! I STILL have chaco tan lines! they're great and will serve you well in Botswana!
hey - have you seen anything about Keens? they're also a very cool shoe!

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Caroline said...


I loved the mention of squatty potties. They are in Hong Kong in the major shopping areas. Of course there are regular toliets as well but they are here. I hope training is going well. I'm just glad that I have don't have to use squatty potties. :)

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Embabazi said...

I must say the squatty potty picture is a bit disturbing...

At 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Emily, I enjoyed visiting your web site. We are praying for you and I will pass on to my Women on Mission group your specific prayer request. I learned about squatty potties in 1954 when Joe and I visited his home in Arkansas during out homeymoon trip. The facility was an outhouse.
God continue to bless and prepare you in the days ahead as you train to serve Him in Botswana.


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