Saturday, March 11, 2006

Some pics!

This is my teaching partner Tshepiso. He is holding a giant dung beetle.
These are some giraffes at the Madikwe Game Reserve in South Africa. There we saw lots of animals like zebras, jackals, spring buck, impala, elephant, and even lions!
It was really cold on our game drive and it rained! Luckily Kelly had brought her poncho! Crystal, Kelly, and Shawna (a journeyman from Lobatse) demonstrate how to share the poncho.
These are the kids in my children's choir. They like to sing really loud! They especially enjoy the games "Little Sally Walker" and the "Hokey Pokey" which the pronounce the "hoookey pooookey."
This is me and my best friend Bebeto. He likes to tell me when I should stand up and sit down during church, and helps me out with the words to the Setswana songs we sing.
Our church had its first Baptism service in February. Here a member is being baptized and those that are looking on are the others waiting to be baptized! We went to Camp Itumela and used their pool for the service.


At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of course, y'all have to play scrabble. That game is awesome.

Where are all of these pictures from, other than at your house?

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw, your best friend bebeto makes me think of ashley from the bahamas.

also, my mom is happy that it looks like you're eating in africa. she was afraid you were not.

miss you!

At 8:09 PM, Blogger Amy said...

i just wanted to say that i am keeping up with you and will continue to do so throughout your journey.
i have your magnet on the fridge and think of you often. love you, kid!

At 7:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emily - wanted you to know that Jeannie and I pray for you and your ministry and keep up with the blog. It makes me smile every time I read the blog and see what a difference you and your friends are making in the young lives of these beautiful people. Prayers for you and God Bless. Mike


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