Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Here's my address!

Emily Weaver
Baptist Mission
P.O. Box 10616

Here are some tips for mailing stuff to me:
You need to send it priority mail. (make sure that this is the mail that goes on the plane—air mail, not the boat—freight mail.)
If you are mailing a box, it is best to double box and to write “used personal items” on the customs form. (They say it’s best not to list everything in the box, but write whatever you feel comfortable writing)
If you are mailing new things, make sure you take them out of their original boxes or take original tags off of them (i.e. if mailing like a new CD/DVD take it out of the original case and put it in a slender generic jewel case…especially open new electronic items because in their packages I’m told they will cost me $25 to pick up)
Things mailed in large envelopes get here faster than boxes
Tape up every side of the envelope so it cannot be slit open easily by people looking for money.

Thanks and I look forward to receiving mail soon!


At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, creepily enough, just yesterday i was like "huh. i wonder what em's address is." not that i have anything to send you, but its just funny that the day after i thought that, you posted it.

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

so i totally know what you mean about receiving packages... it is ridiculus that I have to PAY to pick up the package that someone already paid to send to me. But for real, they open the package and look inside to see what is in it, and then decide how much they want to charge me. crazy.

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Emily!

I was searching on the internet and found your blog. I hope that you can keep up with it! I am a former M.K. to Botswana and seeing just a little bit about how it is now is very refreshing. My family left there in 2000.
My mother, Deborah Hinely, was wondering if you could second that e-mail to the Fortenberrys? Mine is
Will pray and hope to hear from you!
In Christ,

At 11:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Emily,

My Dad, Hughlan Richey, lives in Madisonville Kentucky. I visited the church there when you were a little girl. I have been going on short term mission trips to Namibia for the last 5 years. IT has been such an awesome experience getting to know the people and seeing some of the things God is doing there. We are in awe of what HE is doing and count it a privilege to be a little part of the journey.
We are helping in schools and preschools, coming alongside teachers and a principal, working with families who have adopted orphans, helping folks buy animals such as a pregnant goat, laying hen, helping children get into schools who otherwise would not be able to go to school, doing Kids Games, Holiday Club (VBS with Child Evangelism Fellowship) and loving and being loved by many children. I have read the Number One Lady Detective novels written about Botswana. I teach second grade at a Magnet School in Florida and we are showing our children lots of photos of Namibia because s few teachers have joined us on some of the trips. We are doing African stories via Readers Theatre next week, having a Gospel Choir, making beads to send to Namibia and making bracelets with beads made by children in Namibia in an exchange...unity bracelet...
We are planning our trip for next summer...well God is showing us His plan little by little...we trust Him to take us where He wants to do what he wants. I just spent the last 1/2 hour reading your blog and loved reading of your adventures. I remember hearing your Dad preach a few times and think that it was a real treat for you to be together in Botswana. How long will you be there? Two years and your journey started when?\
Your pictures were awesome!
One of my friends has just retired from being a principal and she is being led by God to stay in Namibia for 10 months of the year. If you go to Arandis/Swakomund area, you will have to visit their Hope's Promise Project.
Blessings on you young sister.
How many of you are there? Seemed I saw three then I saw a larger goup.
May God use you in very special ways to bless those beautiful children! I love seeing Christians making a difference in the world.
Rebekah Richey


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