Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Camp Itumela!

On Saturday we went with our church, Palapye Baptist, and some other churches in the area to Camp Itumela. There we participated in worship, a trivia game, a treasure hunt, swimming, and a movie. The churches really enjoyed the fellowship time together. This is a picture of me and some of the youth from Palapye. Everyone really enjoys having there picture made!

This is a picture of me in front of a tree that has Weaver birds' nests hanging in it. The Weaver bird males make the nest and the female birds will choose their mate based on how well made the nest is. She will then knock the others out of the tree.


At 4:12 PM, Blogger Gypsy Hart said...

welcome to Africa, friend. I long to be there with you some day. I met someone the other day who had just come home from J-manning in Bots. Again, by the wonderful gifts of the Almighty, someday I will set foot there. Make the most of every opportunity!

At 2:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Lovely pictures of Africa! Everything looks so sunny and warm there. I hope you are having a great time!


At 12:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your wearing a Napolean Shirt...freaking sweet! No kidding. Glad your having a great time. Prayers being said for you!


At 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Our church in Philly is planning a trip to Botswana in late June. How can we contact you and possibly meet w/ you while we're there?

Sean P.

At 2:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Emily, congratulations on your work.Know you are really needed there. The weaver birds sounds really interesting. Can you show a close up of one of the nest and the birds.
Henry & I are enjoying being back in our hometown near our families. I do miss the friends we made at church in Springfield. God has provided other friends and a new church.
You are in my prayers. Nancy


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