Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Camp Itumela!

On Saturday we went with our church, Palapye Baptist, and some other churches in the area to Camp Itumela. There we participated in worship, a trivia game, a treasure hunt, swimming, and a movie. The churches really enjoyed the fellowship time together. This is a picture of me and some of the youth from Palapye. Everyone really enjoys having there picture made!

This is a picture of me in front of a tree that has Weaver birds' nests hanging in it. The Weaver bird males make the nest and the female birds will choose their mate based on how well made the nest is. She will then knock the others out of the tree.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Mmaphula CJSS!

Many of you know that I am working as a guidance and counseling teacher at Mmaphula CJSS! So far I am really enjoying teaching (except for the early classes...however, my earliest at 7:00am was changed from to 12:25pm from now on...praise God!)
This week I got a teaching partner...a Motswana guy named Tshepiso. He is a tremendous asset to the class. In addition to being a wonderful teacher and an amazing example for the students, he can tell when the students aren't understanding my English and help them to understand the points in Setswana. He has also been helping me understand culture better and will call me out if I'm doing something wrong. It's been great so far.
This is a picture of my school! You can pray for the students here, especially as we begin counseling some of them individually this week.