Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy 2nd Anniversary, PBC!

In October we celebrated the 2nd anniversary of Palapye Baptist Church! There was a Brazilian volunteer group that held a dental hygiene program for the youth. One of the Brazilian guests preached on Sunday and helped with baptism. Here are some pictures from the day!

The worship team has grown in size!

The members of the church who were baptized pose with the pastors.


At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Emily, my name is Gabriel, I am from Brazil and I was in Botswana in October when the Baptist church did birthday!!! :D Well, I saw the picture of my pastor and the "moruti" Alceir in Google and when I saw, I remembered of you and your friend missionary too (sorry, I don't remembered her name... :( ), because I was in the church when had the baptism, I'm oral doctor, but I don't had the opportunity of to speek with you because I don't knew to speek english, only potuguese!
Today I study Theology in Word of Life Biblical Seminary, in Brazil and I want to be missionary!!! :D
God bless you my friend
my e-mail is:



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