Thursday, October 18, 2007

Andrew's Wedding

Last weekend we went to the village of Madinare outside of Selibe Phikwe to attend Pastor Andrew’s Wedding. Andrew has been assisting our Pastor Alceir at Palapye Baptist Church over the past year. He married a girl named Lucy in a nice, albeit long (2.5 hours!), service. In Botswana, weddings are quite an event. There are celebrations in both the bride’s home village and the groom’s home village.

Here’s how our day went in Madinare:

First we attended the church service that was held at a school. Here Andrew and Lucy stand in front of the congregation ready to say their vows to each other.

Afterwards, the entire wedding party and guests caravan to the photo spot where pictures are taken of the bride and groom. Andrew and Lucy pose for their pictures.

Here are their cute flower girls.

Next, it is on to the reception at the home of the bride’s family. They set up a big tent and cook enough food for the entire community. Anyone can come and celebrate the marriage! The wedding party sits at a special table under the tent.

Here’s our group that came from Palapye Baptist Church to show support to Andrew.

We were moved to the special tent for the wedding party and special guests (I’d like to think that it was because we had traveled from Palapye to come to the wedding, but it was really because Kelly and I are white). Our friends from church were very excited to be under the special tent because it meant that we got to be served first. Pere joked that she is going to miss us when we leave because without us they will never be moved to the good tent. Here Lebo enjoys her huge chunk of goat’s meat!

They cook an entire cow to feed all the people. My portion of meat was attached to the lining of the stomach! Here’s what was left of the cow.

Lebo and Neo enjoy the wedding.

Pere and I table dance.

All in all it was a fun wedding!

After the wedding our missionary friend Staci Powers came to stay with us for a few days. We had fun spending time with her!

Things are kind of crazy in Palapye right now! We are busy packing and saying goodbyes. Please pray for me as I begin to say goodbye to students and friends in Palapye. It is hard to believe that I will be leaving this place that has been my home in only 2 short weeks.


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