Friday, October 26, 2007

Youth Day!

Last Saturday Palapye Baptist Church and Radisele Baptist Church (a neighboring village) came together for a huge youth day! Around 70 youth came for games, music, food, and teaching on purity! Remaining sexual pure is a big issue that Batswana youth face; we talked about what it means to not only abstain but to live a pure lifestyle and how to deal with temptations. Several of the girls helped Mma Moruti (the pastor's wife Cenilza) to cook a traditional meal and then at the end of the day, the youth had designated some time to publicly say goodbye to Kelly and me. It was a great day!

Here's the entire group standing in front of PBC.

Some of the girls make "papa", a starch that usually accompanies every meal.

Kelly and I try our hand at making some papa.
Isn't this the biggest pot you've ever seen? There was so much food left over!

Gofaone and I try to eat all the contents of our overflowing bowls!

Everyone loves the Hoola Hoop. Tumisang shows us how it's done.


At 9:12 AM, Blogger Caroline said...

It looks like your last few days in Botswana are going really well. I am praying for you during this time of transition.


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