Thursday, August 10, 2006

The visit from my family!

My family came to Botswana to visit! Here’s some of the things we did:

On Sunday we had some of the little boys over from our church. Matt rode in the back of the truck with them. It was quite an experience. These kids are so precious, but so poor. They are dirty and wear dirty tattered clothes and barely have enough to eat. So we cooked them this huge meal and then we settled down to watch Spiderman. Soon the boys began to explore our houses. Now, none of the boys have indoor plumbing and so the bathroom was mesmerizing to them. After all of the boys began disappearing into the bathroom we began to wonder what was truly going on in there. My dad tried to open the door and was told to “GET OUT!” All the boys were “bathing”! They had discovered the shower and decided they wanted to be clean. So we gave them some towels and when they came out all nice and clean they began dancing around. It is amazing to see the excitement a simple shower caused!

My family was able to attend a few classes with me before our term ended. Here’s me doing something very teacher-like, writing on the chalk board.

For a little vacation away from Palapye we went north to Chobe National Park. We stayed at this beautiful lodge called the Chobe Safari Lodge. The lodge offered several excursions that we were able to go on. We went on a game drive and a boat cruise and saw lots of animals: lion, giraffe, hippo, elephant, warthog, buffalo, zebra, impala, antelope, baboons, and more. This little guy trapped dad on the balcony of our hotel room!

Then we were able to go to Namibia for a morning and see what a traditional village looks like on the Impalela Island. Here, I’m giving the kids some candy.

On our last day up north we crossed into Zimbabwe and went to Victoria Falls. Now, I’ve been to Niagara Falls before, but Victoria Falls was so much bigger! It was amazing. Here, Lauren, Matt, and I sit at Danger Point!

When we arrived back home, we had three days of baseball camp at our church. Many of the kids had never played before. It was fun to see them learn how to hit the ball and to use a glove. The kids really enjoyed playing and by the end of the camp they were able to play an actual game!

My family also got to help distribute the care packages that First Baptist Springfield put together. Thanks so much FBCS! As you can see from these pictures, the kids really loved the gift. They were so proud of their new socks and underwear and toothbrushes and toy cars!

On Sunday, Dad preached at Palapye Baptist Church!

The last two days Crystal, Kelly, and I were invited out to a local Junior Secondary School to do a seminar on abstinence and helping students learn how to say no to sex before marriage. Here we are putting on the assembly. Many of the students stayed after to ask questions!

Here’s a few random pictures too cute to leave out!

This is me in front of my mail box! Thanks for all the letters and packages you send! Keep it up! It is such an encouragement to me. If you’ve forgotten the address it’s:

Emily Weaver

Baptist Mission

P.O. Box 10616



Finally this is a picture of me holding up a dead chicken our dogs killed. They may look sweet, but man they can be ferocious.

Here’s some ways you can be in prayer for me in the next few weeks:

- We have a countrywide youth rally next week. Pray that the youth will be able to raise the funds to be able to go and that the rally will be a great time of spiritual renewal and growth for them.

- The students are out on holiday until September 5th. Pray that they will make wise decisions during their break.

- We have had an extremely busy winter here in Palapye with many guests visiting. Pray that we will find time to rest during the holiday.

- Pray for the children that received the care packages. May they know how much they are loved by us and especially by God!

- Pray for the future of the program in which I teach, Operation:HIV. The missionaries that began the program have retired this month and the national convention is looking for someone who can take it over.


At 10:28 AM, Blogger Paul Burleson said...


The e-mail was appreciated and very thoughtful. The pictures were GREAT. You have been prayed this week and it will continue with the requests front and center.

You are appreciated and loved by many more than you can ever know but that's the nature of the Kingdom family. When we get to heaven we'll all know each other. Until then this big brother is standing with you in your work.


At 1:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just found this link on facebook. Matt told me all about his trip out there. Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you, and praying for you! Love ya girl.

At 12:04 PM, Blogger Paul Burleson said...

Emily, I'm as impressed this time scrolling down these pictures as I am every time I do it. They just don't loose their impact.

You've been prayed for this past week and I want to keep that fact before you.


At 12:41 PM, Blogger Paul Burleson said...


It's now September 2 and we're still praying for you regularly.



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