Sunday, May 28, 2006


Dwight: He put my stuff in Jell-o again! That’s real professional. Thanks. It’s the third time and it wasn’t funny the first two times either, Jim.

Michael: What is that?

Dwight: That’s my stapler. (Dwight tries to take stapler out of Jell-o)

Michael: No! No! No! Do not take it out! You have to eat it out because there are starving people in the world and I hate to waste that kind of food.

Dwight: …Can you reprimand him please?

Jim: (Eating Jell-o) How do you know it was me?

Dwight: It’s always you. Are you going to discipline him?

Michael: Ooo discipline…kinky. All right here you go. The thing about a practical joke is you have to know when to start and when to stop. And yeah, Jim, now is the time to stop putting Dwight’s personal effects into Jell-o.

Jim: Ok. Dwight, I’m sorry because I have always been your biggest flan.

Michael: O..haha. Nice. That’s the way is around here…just kind of goes round and round and round.

Ryan: You should have put him in custardy.

Michael: Hey yes! New guy! Score!

Dwight: Hey that’s great. I guess what I’m most concerned about is, umm, damage to company property. That’s all.

(long pause)

Michael: Pudding…pudding. I’m trying to think of another dessert to do…


At 7:09 PM, Blogger ancient clown said...

Please also share the Planting of Seeds, and The BIBLE---Ancient Version. Please, I also invite you to walk through Ancient's History and leave comments as you feel insprired.
I don't think I know...I just know I'm thinking.
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown

At 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome. hope all is well in botswana. peace, andy

At 2:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I love "The Office".
I love "Jello"
I love "Jesus"
and now that I am reading the Number One Ladies Detective Agency, I also love "Botswana"

Have a great week.


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