Friday, November 09, 2007

I'm home!

I safely arrived home on Thursday, November 8. I've been enjoying eating some American food and visiting with family and friends. This weekend I travel to Richmond and to VA Tech to see my grandparents and brother! I am looking forward to seeing as many of you blog readers in the months to come! Thanks so much for all your prayers and support as I served in Botswana! I love you all!


After missing my flight in Johannesburg, I finally arrived one day late to meet Andy in London. We had so much fun touring around and visiting with my awesome friend Michelle (from my college Small Group)! Here are a couple pictures from that time.

This was the first picture taken of me and Andy at the airport...just seconds after we had seen each other for the first time in 2 years!
We rode on the London Eye (the crazy ferris wheel) to see London from above.
This is me and Michelle.
One day we went out to Windsor to see the palace. The queen was in residence while we were there. Andy listens to the tour tell us all about the royal palace.
I stand in front of St. Paul's Cathedral.
Andy poses with the Tower Bridge.We watched the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace.

Andy and I pose in Hyde Park.
London was sooooo much fun!
Michelle is living in London while studying Global Politics at the London School of Economic. She has a great blog to read:

Goodbyes in Gabs...

After leaving Palapye, Kelly and I went down to Gabs to hang out for a few days and to say....more goodbyes!

Here's us saying goodbye to Tshepiso and Lynx.

Our friend Tsholofelo moved to go to school in Gabs about a year ago. We've gotten to see her a few times in Gabs.

I also had to say goodbye to my dog Lula. Tshepiso is going to take good care of her.
Here's the mission family and Kelly and I at the airport. I am going to miss my mission family so much! Thanks for everything you do!

Dance Party!

To say goodbye to all the children we had a dance party at the church! Check out some of the kids moves.

Here's Bebeto and Kelly and me. Bebeto does a great Michael Jackson impression.Here I pose with some of the kids.

The youth helped me to make recordings of some of the traditional Setswana songs so I can remember them once I leave Botswana.