Friday, August 31, 2007


The American volunteer team that helped out with the youth rally invited us to visit Chobe with them for free! It was our last chance to go on safari before we leave Botswana. We got to see tons of lions (in the early morning so we couldn't get any good pictures) and tons of elephant! Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip.

Shawna, me, Kelly, and Crystal pose in Chobe National Park.
Elephants bathing in the river.
This elephant showed us who was boss! He looked straight at us and flapped his ears!
This giraffe is bending over to get some water!
The buffalo is dangerous because it's actions are unpredictable. This trip was the closest I had ever been to the Cape Buffalo.


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Gadise Mike said...

wow i'm from Botswana and i'm now in melbourne. i really love these images you show. looks like you had a good time over there. people are so nice in Botswana and are always kind to foreigners. are you going back anytime? i'll be home from January next year as i'be studying here in melbourne for the past 7 years. good job and nice to meet if you ever come back there let me know. there's so much more to enjoy about my country. cheers!!!


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