Friday, August 31, 2007

National Youth Rally!

The national youth rally was this month. Twenty-nine youth from our church attended that rally! (This was the largest number from any church in all of Botswana.) We rented a bus to travel up to Francistown. On the way up a part fell out of the bus and we had to stop on the side of the road for a little while for the driver to "fix" the problem. It's always an adventure in Botswana. Check out some pictures from the rally!

Here Neo, me, and Onalenna enjoy our bus ride.

The younger youth get ready for the recreation competition! The blue t-shirt that two of the girls are wearing is the t-shirt for the retreat. It says O tsogile! (or He is risen!)
Check out Neo's team spirit! She won an award for most spirit during the recreational competition!
Here our youth present a musical item at the youth rally.
Here is a picture of Kelly and Shawna and me on the hill overlooking Francistown.


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