Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Providence Volunteer Team!

In July we were blessed with opportunity to have an American team from Providence Baptist Church in Raleigh, North Carolina come and serve in Palapye. This was probably the largest group of white people Palapye has ever seen! The team did a variety of different things while they were here... Check out some of the highlights.

The team held VBS at 2 different locations in Palapye. Over 500 kids came and heard the message of Jesus Christ.

The team also got to work with some of the kids from our church. Bebeto took a special liking to David.

They were able to speak to youth about abstinence. Several team members participated in an assembly at a private school and they were also able to do an abstinence presentation at the church. Here the girls at the church participate in discussion groups.

The youth are raising money to go the annual youth rally, so they held a talent show fund raiser while the team was here. For the last several months my friends Gofaone and Neo have been writing their own songs and we've been recording them on my computer so the girls can make a CD. They sang on of their songs in public for the first time at the talent show! I was so proud!

The team also did some service projects like picking up trash and cutting firewood and they prayerwalked and visited families in their homes. We kept everyone busy that week!

The Palapye youth had so much fun helping out with the team! To thank them for all their hard work the team took the guys out for ice cream and had a spa time with the girls. It was fun to watch these girls get pampered like they never have been before...(some of them were a little wary of the massages...haha)

Also that week we had the unique opportunity to learn how to traditional dance. Our friends Refilwe and Tshepiso tried to teach us how to drop it like it's hot, traditional style. Most of you know that I can't dance at all...but check out me trying.

After ministry in Palapye, we were fortunate to be able to join the team in South Africa for some vacation time... I got to go on a water slide for the first time in years!

We had a lot of fun with Providence! Thanks for all your help, guys!


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