Friday, July 21, 2006

Happy Birthday Me!

One day I was minding my own business teaching class and another teacher interrupted and asked me to be a judge at a beauty contest. So here I am being a judge. You can see all the contestants for Miss Home Economics Regional in the background.

Happy 4th of July! We tried to have a traditional cookout on the 4th and sing all the patriotic songs we knew. Our "hotdogs" ended up looking like this and were not as awesome as we'd hoped.

July 5th was my 23rd birthday and everyone here made it very special. The girls cooked me a fancy meal, Tshepiso and my class 3E threw me a party, and the church all wrote birthday cards. Thanks so much for all the birthday emails and cards that I've received in the mail. I really appreciate you all thinking of my on this special day!

Our church had a talent show to raise money for the youth rally in August. These boys showed off their traditional dancing skills.

We had an American team from Georgia ministering alongside us for the past two weeks in Palapye. Here they are performing a skit at an assembly at a junior secondary school. It was such a blessing to have them stay with us. Many kids expressed interest in being born again and we're excited about the opportunities they have created for us to do some discipleship and follow-up in the schools.

And lastly, my family is coming TODAY! I am now on my way to pick them up at the airport!
As always, thanks so much for all your prayers!