Friday, April 27, 2007

A couple of prayer requests...

Pray for the women of the CESA region as we travel on Tuesday to a women’s conference in Kenya . I will be in Kenya for almost 2 weeks! Pray that this would be a time of spiritual refreshment and fun fellowship with the women in the region.

Pray for the Operation HIV team as we are gone. Pray that they would continue/start the Bible studies with some of the people that were tested for HIV. Pray also that the True Love Waits Clubs at the schools would start okay without us. (The students begin their 2nd term next week while we’re away.)


At 2:26 PM, Blogger Paul Burleson said...


I'm lax in commenting but not in praying for you. Know that it continues.

At 9:55 PM, Blogger kidkneechess said...

i saw your picture of missionary tim cearley passing cherios. he and i went to high school and college together. if you see him again tell him hi. thanks, ed robey (


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