Friday, April 06, 2007

Purity Weekend!

A couple weekends ago we were asked to help out at a youth retreat in Gabs for missionary kids and other international students. Crystal and I rode the bus down to Gabs and met up with the youth at Mokolodi Game Reserve. The theme of the weekend was purity; we watched several video segments by Pam Stencil (a Christian speaker on abstinence) and then had breakout sessions. The youth had also put together a praise band! It was a lot of fun to get to spend some time with the MKs and their friends. (I had forgotten how late American teens like to stay up…and how loud they are! Haha)

Here’s some pictures from the game drive we went on…

MK Kayla and I enjoy our game drive!

I saw my first cheetah! So you can’t tell, but he’s actually in a cage…maybe one day I’ll see one in the wild.


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