Friday, April 06, 2007

Trip to the Big City!

The last weekend in March we took a trip to Gaborone with our friends Pere and Gofaone. These girls had been asked to train members of three churches in prayerwalking then the members were going to prayerwalk an area of Gaborone called Broadhurst. They were extremely nervous about teaching people from the city but were excited about the opportunity to share some of the information that we’ve been learning in our Operation HIV training sessions.

We went down to Gabs a day early and took the girls to see/do some of our favorite things in the city. We ate at Debonairs (a pizza place) and went to see a movie (Dreamgirls). This was the first time the girls had ever been to a movie in the theater, so we had to take a picture!

This was also the first time the girls rode an escalator! It was quite amusing!

The next day Pere and Gofaone trained about 30 people in prayerwalking and then we participated in prayerwalking Broadhurst. The girls did an amazing job! We were so proud of them!


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