Friday, July 06, 2007

Operation HIV Leadership Retreat!

This past weekend we held an Operation HIV leadership retreat; as our time in Botswana is coming to close we are beginning to hand over more and more responsibility to the nationals. After a vision meeting about the future of Operation HIV, the group decided that they wanted to elect leaders. This seminar was in response to this request. The group met a Camp Itumela to learn about what it means to be a godly leader and to participate in team building activities. We played games like the human knot and trust falls.

We had time of personal bible study and reflection.

We had sessions examining what the Bible says about leadership and we studied several prominent biblical leaders.

God really blessed our time together! Here’s the whole group acting goofy.

After the seminar we discussed what kind of positions the Operation HIV team needs to have and next week we are meeting to nominate and elect new leaders. Please be in prayer for Operation HIV as we elect leaders and transition to the nationals taking even more responsibility and ownership of the group!


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