Thursday, December 14, 2006

Prayer Requests!

My roommate Crystal Dabney had her tonsils removed Nov. 29. Pray for her speedy recovery.

My friend Nomsa’s mother passed away November 27. The stress of her death caused Nomsa’s pregnant sister to go into labor early. A month premature, the new baby boy is doing fine. Please keep this family in your prayers during this difficult time.

Pray for Palapye Baptist. As we integrate our program Operation HIV into the church and start new ministries pray that we can better respond to the HIV/AIDS crisis in our area and reach our community for Christ.

Pray for our students that are on summer vacation right now. Pray that they would continue to stay strong in their commitments to abstinence and that they would make wise decisions.

Pray for safe travels and a relaxing time as the Journeymen in Botswana head to Mozambique for Christmas. Pray for us and our families as we spend the holidays away from home.


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