Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Life Changes!

Last week was a week of many life changes. Well, just two. I haven’t gotten my hair cut since getting here in January. Now that it's gotten ridiculously hot again my long hair was driving me crazy. I decided to cut off 10 inches to donate it and get my hair cut really short. I figured if I didn’t like it, it’d have time to grow back before coming home… So here’s my before and after:

The second change is the new addition to my household. Lulabelle (the Burninator) is supposedly a poodle. I don’t think she has a bit of poodle in her. She looks more like a Chiuwawa to me. Any guesses? In the first night I cleaned up 4 accidents in the house and she threw up in my bed. I’ve got my work cut out for me. Training tips? When she’s not expelling things from her body, she adorably curls up in my lap and sleeps.


At 11:12 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

sooo cute!
(your haircut AND your puppy!)


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